
Friday, September 14, 2012

Class One? Check.

Well we've arrived at Week 12, which is insane. I feel like I just started AM and I'm already done with a full term! Wut.

For this week, we had to compile a progress reel of all our Class One work and upload it to the student site so that our new mentors for next term could get a feel for our strengths and weaknesses going in. My most dedicated readers will have seen this in bits and pieces already, but if you missed anything, here is all of my Class One work:

And with that, Class One is done! I had a great experience this term. My mentor was great, my classmates gave fantastic feedback, and I learned a ton!

I've got next week off for a break week between terms but next Monday I'll be back! My Class Two mentor is Marlon Nowe, a supervising animator at Disney who is currently working on Wreck-It Ralph, which I am so excited for. Wah! See you soon, lovelies!

1 comment:

  1. I just starting animation
    I like to know on your blog what was your very first class
    I like yo learn unfortunately I cannot be paid the prices for any of the schools you went but I can learn from you if ok that?
